Chris Zachary
Hey, I'm Chris!
I send a weekly newsletter with After Effects tips and tricks.
It’s short, sweet, and practical.
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After Effects Reference & Stuff

Hey! Thanks for being here. My goal is to make this site a useful, quality collection of After Effects expressions, shortcuts, and other resources.

Who this?

Hey, I'm Chris Zachary, an animator and maker from Kansas (currently based in Louisville, Kentucky).
I made this site because I was tired of collecting scattered After Effects resources around Google sheets, documents, bookmarks, Twitter, Notion and more. I hope you find it useful!

Useful Links:
Twitter: @itstheonlychris
Instagram: @itstheonlychris

Chris Zachary

Want to support?

If you like they way this site makes me feel, you can support me in 2 ways:

First, make sure you're on the email list.

Second, I have some Project Files, Presets, etc on Gumroad - a lot of this is free, but you can "pay-what-you-want" and toss a couple bucks my way!

Third, share this site with someone you know!

Have feedback or ideas?