Want to know how to combine hand-drawn animation in procreate with simple effects in After Effects to create some surprisingly complex results?
Here's a quick workflow by Fraser Davidson.
Fraser Davidson's glorious twitter thread breaks a workflow from hand-drawn animation elements in Procreate to compositing in After Effects.
The real value in this thread isn't the specific effects or technique of using Procreate. This is a reminder that After Effects works best when you layer simple techniques to produce a complex result.
Throw in some hand-drawn or organic assets and you have a unique look that appears more bespoke and complicated than it really is.
Go check it out and think about how you can apply this strategy to your own unique applications.
Here's another thread about the same technique to get your juices flowing
Learn more 🕺🏻
Fraser was one of the first people I discovered in the motion design industry years ago when I started to realize After Effects could be used for more than explosions, muzzle flashes, and blood spurts.
His team puts out a massive amount of high quality work and have shared several helpful courses on Skillshare including a class for this Procreate + After Effects process.
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